This page is informational and provides:
frequently asked questions,
scheduling information,
safety & emergency information and updates
application and other forms
contact information

As a Christian organization, do you require the kids to study the bible and pray?
While we do not require participation in spiritual practices, we do offer a prayer before meals and sometimes share Bible stories or volunteer testimonies at our assembly. Additionally, we do offer optional spiritual study for those who want it.
Your child is free to attend and enjoy their time with us without engaging in prayer and study. Our desire for the youth of this community is to provide a safe and fun place to enjoy time with each other.
Can my child just show up and participate?
While we welcome and are open to all youth grades 6-12, we do require a completed application. Your child's safety is important to us- we must have your permission for them to participate and we need your contact information and medical direction to ensure the utmost safety for your child.
Please complete an application for your child .
How will I find out what activities and schedules are planned?
Check our social media and you can also see our monthly schedule of activities on the home page.
How will we know if there are last minute cancelations due to weather or other reasons?
Changes will be posted on social media, sent by text to cell phones on file, and announced on WLDY.
What is the fire or tornado safety plan for the center when youth are present?
Please see our safety procedure plan below.
As a parent, how can I support Power House?
We value parental support and hope to get to know you well!! First- be thorough in filling out the application so we are up to date with contact and medical emergency info to protect your child.
Also- Please follow our Facebook or Instagram accounts to catch all the updates each week and see the photos/videos of the kids in action.