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The Power House Team



You may have heard it takes a village to raise a child- well it does indeed take a community to provide for its own children! The Power House is just that- a small community of caring Christians (most of whom are volunteers) who seek to give all children a place to safely interact, grow, and develop. There Are many challenges that our youth face today in this fast changing culture that makes it difficult to succeed and make right decisions. With many hands that make for lighter work helps us to reach every youth with love and care that they need to succeed.  Won't you join us in supporting our youth?


My name is Chris Jerry, Director of Power House.I  was born and raised in Ladysmith where I reside with my wife Rachel, and our 4 children. I am an associate pastor and worship leader in my church, and I have a passion for sharing the gospel. I am committed to leading the youth of the community in learning to overcome life's challenges to succeed in the future by supporting them with a caring Christian influence.

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Power House volunteers know that youth do not connect to programs; they connect to people.   Our volunteers meet youth where they are at in their journey through life and support them in developing positive connections with others- all while demonstrating the love of Christ. The most effective way to impact teens is through significant relationships with caring adults. 

Areas to Support Powerhouse
Student Mentors
Events and Outings
Tutor/Homework Help
Thank You!
Evan Dixon
Tricia Anderson
Cheyenne Mikinia
Dean Lincoln
Rachel Jerry
Nancy Bartig
Don Bartig
Aileen Tauchen
Jim Spielman
Benny Miller
Steve Schletty
Andrew Hazard
Crystal Gauthier
Ron Freeman
Steve Kogle
Denise Zimmer
Rachel Nagel
Clem Hosley
Krystal Jenneman
Virginia Jacobs

Thank you to our current
hardworking and dedicated volunteers!

Power House Board

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